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Monday, February 14, 2011

Nurses really hate this!

I love technology. I use my fair share to make life easier and enjoyable. I can text, surf, stumble, upload, download, photo edit, stream etc. My children are amazing teachers and have the patience of a Jedi working with their old Padawan. They want me to be engaged in the world we live in. They feel it is important, and so do I. However  technology can be a double edged sword such as  when using it while driving and walking. One not so obvious, is when Nurses and Doctors really have some important things to VERBALLY tell you. Too many times to count, I have seen people barely look up when the Doctor tries to update a family member about their loved one's status after surgery.  I have forcibly pulled ear plugs out of peoples ears and shut laptops on fingers just to get their attention!  The startled dumbfounded look people give you is priceless. I think spouses are the worst. They act like they are listening to the Doctor and nod at your discharge instructions, as they type away on Facebook. However, they want it all repeated as soon as it is time to leave. They even want the Doctor to stop what he is doing (surgery) and come back to tell them everything again. I am not making this up! I get a little blunt (Yes, it's true) at that point and remind them of why they came along with their loved one. I also say: " I hope it all works out and have a great day!"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just Trying To Keep Up......

I have my first Apple Iphone. My son told me it would be "too much" for me to handle and that it's technology was beyond my comprehension.  I don't take that statement as an insult since he might be right.  I grew up with a rotary phone on a "party line"full of nosey neighbors, in the 50's & 60's. What do I know about data plans, CDMA verses GSM, and what really is that "Cloud" thing? This makes me think back to my Great Aunt Emma who was a phone operator in her younger days. Whenever she picked up the phone to place a call, she would check the line for clearance by yelling "HELLA..HELLA?" This continued long after party lines were obsolete.  She knew what she was doing with these newer phones, by Gosh! No one ever doubted her authority or ability when it came to phones.  She was widely respected as a former Ma Bell employee. As children, we wondered why she yelled into the phone when it was obvious to us that there was no one there. The family didn't have the heart to explain to her that technology had moved on. We continued to let her use her Carroll County operator voice while placing her calls. Respecting your elders was more important than being right.

The way I see it

Pretty Glasses
I started wearing glasses in second grade. I thought it was cool at the time. I recall another classmate getting new glasses and suddenly I wanted some too.  I don't remember thinking... "Hey, I really can't see very well... so I should get my eyes checked out" I just told my Mom : " I think I need glasses!" She took me to an Optometrist and low and behold, I really did need glasses. They were beautiful! I still have them tucked away among other childhood memories. They were classic 1960's horn rimmed with blue and white stripes. I soon realized as time went on, that wearing glasses was not cool. I hated them. When contacts were invented, I begged my parents to improve my destiny and vanity for a pair.  I wore every type of contact that came along throughout the years. The ER visit with a corneal abrasion didn't even persuade me to go back to glasses.  When the Lasik procedure came to the visually vain people, like myself, I signed up too. I was saved.  Now I am much older and need reading glasses.  I have them everywhere.  At my age, I am still vain, but no longer care what others think about my glasses... so I buy the crazy ones that draw attention to the fact that, YES, I NEED GLASSES!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today is my birthday. I am 57 and proud of it. I have earned this martini and the cake that came with it.  This last year was a difficult one, having placed my Mother into a dementia unit. I found strength in my husband who listened to me, encouraged me, and made up a wonderful martini just for me called "Here's to Me".  I love that man!