It is early Christmas morning and all are still asleep. The light is soft and there is only the faint sound of wings fluttering, rejoicing the gift to the world, in the form of Mary's baby. Oh, how her heart must have felt that day! Every Mother knows that feeling... and no one can tell you how you will feel until it is your moment. The nurse places that child in your arms and you are complete. You wonder at this miracle that God picked just for you and you question if you can be trusted with the responsibility. I recall asking God about His decision, at that moment. What on Earth, did I know about any of this? I was so scared and humbled at the task before me. The nurse puts you in your car and you go home a family, ready or not. I believe in Divine intervention. Those two children in this picture are the result of God's ever lasting love. They are my special gift, and I am somehow deserving of these precious spirits. Perhaps, they are "Angels unaware" sent to watch over me, instead of the other way around. I am a blessed woman!
Beautifully said!