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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The girl we all wanted to be.

This is a rare picture of a girl who considered Nursing for a career. It would have been a safe road. A very acceptable and a worthy vocation. But one's destiny can change when we listen to that spirit within. It can start as a faint voice, that grows louder, and if we are lucky, the voice becomes so deafening.... we would be willing to risk dying than to ignore it. This girl listened and risked the ultimate.  She became the heroine that we all wanted to be. She pushed the doors open for the rest of us who were left on the ground.  She didn't settle for Nursing, like I did. She defied the odds and dared to go where it wasn't safe.  She never returned. The rest of us held on to our kite strings, wondering and listening for our inner voice.

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