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Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is the Season of Expectations. We are all waiting for something. We wait for the season to start and once it gets too hectic, for it to be over. Children expect Santa to bring them the items on their list on Christmas morning. Parents expect their children to dance with joy and love their gifts. The merchants expect this seasons profits to keep them solvent  for the months to come.  Mothers expect Hallmark moments around the family gathering dinner table with picture perfect food and design.  We all have expectations of just how this season should play out.... the best ever, perfect, appreciated, loved, and paid for.  I loath expectations, personally. I have been know for avoiding people and the expectations that relationships bring. Even friendships are a little treacherous for me.  I fear I will not be able to live up to other's expectations or demands and somehow let them down.  This season brings people and relatives a little too close for my comfort level.  I wonder if Mary needed some personal space and quiet time away from angels singing, shepherds standing around, and foreign men bringing gifts, that she had no idea what to do with?

1 comment:

  1. Don't let the fear of what's difficult paralyze you. Relationships, friendships, people, expectations, are all difficult. We are fed lies that we should be independent of each other and better off solo... this is baloney. The truth is we desperately need each other. Our lives depend on others and try as we may we can't live without community, we're made for it. Will we let each other down? Yes. Will we put too many expectations on others? Yes. We can't help it. But that shouldn't sway us from seeking each other out and living in community. You Joyce Toler Collins are a joy and an inspiration to those around you. Just by being yourself. Don't rob anyone of the inspiration you radiate. We need you. And don't worry you won't let us down. :)
