Pretty Glasses |
I started wearing glasses in second grade. I thought it was cool at the time. I recall another classmate getting new glasses and suddenly I wanted some too. I don't remember thinking... "Hey, I really can't see very well... so I should get my eyes checked out" I just told my Mom : " I think I need glasses!" She took me to an Optometrist and low and behold, I really did need glasses. They were beautiful! I still have them tucked away among other childhood memories. They were classic 1960's horn rimmed with blue and white stripes. I soon realized as time went on, that wearing glasses was not cool. I hated them. When contacts were invented, I begged my parents to improve my destiny and vanity for a pair. I wore every type of contact that came along throughout the years. The ER visit with a corneal abrasion didn't even persuade me to go back to glasses. When the Lasik procedure came to the visually vain people, like myself, I signed up too. I was saved. Now I am much older and need reading glasses. I have them everywhere. At my age, I am still vain, but no longer care what others think about my glasses... so I buy the crazy ones that draw attention to the fact that, YES, I NEED GLASSES!
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